Songs for the 2019 theme
Hallelujah Ps 6 Lord, who sees my pain
Hallelujah Ps 42A As the wandering deer squalls
G248 – Psalm 50 Mercy Lord
Hallelujah Ps 51 Take pity upon me, Lord, in your kindness
Hallelujah Ps 130 From the pit of my distress
Hallelujah 22/05 In your word, O God
Hallelujah 33/10 Jesus Christ, our hope
Hallelujah 33/21 O Jesus, your cross reigns
Hallelujah 34/15 My Redeemer lives
Hallelujah 44/14 Oh! Take my soul
Hallelujah 47/02 Our vessel is in danger
Hallelujah 48/07 Nearer, My God to Thee
D 161 Lord, make us
Hallelujah 48/10 G 139 You who are heavy laden with burdens
G 213 If hope has given you strength to walk
G 249 Be not afraid
P 150 Our Father, teach us to have joy
SM 176 Christ calls us today
SM 176 Let us not fear living in this world
T 111 Nothing will change
Cabantous et Boldrini While we wait for the day
Other songs
Ensemble n°730, Fr. Pierre-Étienne At a time when all slumber
Claude Bernard, Laurent Grzybowski In the night of them that keep vigil
Taizé In Our darkness
Dédié à l’ACAT, Alain Caburet From the pit of my distress
Y 53, Ensemble n°467, Didier Rimaud Let your daylight shine forth
Taizé The Dark
Ensemble n°279, Orthodox liturgy Christ the Messiah is risen
I 270, Georges Lefebvre Lord we believe
Ensemble n°279 Lord, you are risen from the dead
G 212 Your night will be turned into broad daylight
C 243-1 (thanksgiving canticle) Stay on your guard
Ensemble n°258 You who keeps silent
P 205 Find your presence in me
Song for ACAT 30th anniversary You are the Alpha and Omega